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water filtration and conditioning water quality

Water Filtration & Conditioning: Taking Charge of Water Quality

Water quality, especially for drinking, is a steadily increasing topic both nationwide and here at home in Illinois.

Just recently, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that more than $206 million is being allocated for Illinois drinking water and clean water infrastructure upgrades. The funds will aim to support vital water infrastructure that protects public health and water bodies across the state.

Nearly a million Illinoisans are struggling with water quality as they draw from municipal wells contaminated with toxic forever chemicals. In addition, 1.4 million state residents rely on private wells, including in the Chicago suburbs. Many private wells are not regulated, often leaving those who use them to test their water quality themselves.

Here in the region, some neighborhoods have faced a depleting aquifer and, in some cases, have had to switch municipal sources.

A depleting aquifer will increase water’s hardness as it pulls more minerals from the lower water table. Oswego, Yorkville, Montgomery, Sugar Grove and Plano (IL) qualify as hard-water communities, meaning they have 5.0 or more grains per gallon (gpg) of calcium carbonate or equivalents for a given unit. Illinois has a statewide average water hardness of 11.7 gpg. At 13.3 gpg, Oswego’s water hardness is particularly high.

This should inspire us to recognize the value and importance of our water supply. Water quality adds to our quality of life, a truth made even more evident when we consider that freshwater sources are only 3% of Earth’s total water supply, and of that, only 1% is easily accessible.

Water Filtration & Conditioning: PFAS

A focus on water quality includes maintaining awareness of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), a group of largely unregulated synthetic chemical compounds.

Because of their properties, PFAS are very common in consumer, commercial and industrial products. They resist grease, oil, water and heat, which makes them useful for carpeting, paint, stain-resistant fabrics, cleaning products and fire-fighting foam.

The chemicals break down very slowly over time, allowing them to remain widely in the environment for long periods. Their sustained presence ultimately exposes people and animals to them. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), almost all Americans have some concentration of PFAS in their bodies. The chemicals exist at low levels in different food products as well.

Scientific studies have linked exposure to certain PFAS to harmful effects in people and animals. However, the chemicals are so diverse and pervasive that evaluating their risks remains a work in progress.

Water Filtration & Conditioning: Preserving Our Good Fortune

In spite of what we’ve discussed, compared with much of the world, the U.S. has one of the world’s safest water supplies. More than 90% of Americans receive their tap water from community water systems that are monitored and subject to safe drinking-water standards.

While the quality of drinking water will vary by its source and treatment, the water must satisfy the EPA’s Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA). Many states also enforce their own standards, some of which exceed the EPA’s.

In addition to PFAS, contamination sources we need to watch and control at the community level include:

  • sewage releases
  • naturally occurring minerals & chemicals
  • local land-use practices (e.g. pesticides)
  • manufacturing processes (e.g. heavy metals)

  • malfunctioning onsite wastewater treatment
  • improperly treated drinking water
  • improperly distributed water (bad pipes)
  • unregulated private wells

Water Filtration: Better Drinking Water at Home

Good-quality drinking water matters to every single one of us. We also depend on clean, contaminant-free water for vital daily applications such as bathing, cooking and cleaning.

Many of us in Oswego, Yorkville, Montgomery, Sugar Grove and Plano might already use bottled water or another water dispenser to make up for the quality we don’t get from our faucets. Some might also use dispensed or bottled water to brush their teeth.

As a community, we can all contribute to the greater water supply by being mindful about things such as those we’ve discussed together here. As water consumers at home, we can enhance water quality now with a whole-house water filtration system.

For about the cost of a cup of coffee per day, you can enjoy truly fresh water from your faucet for years without needing separate filters and frequent system maintenance.

A whole-house water filtration system installed by Aquaduct removes the impurities from your water to make it taste, look and smell better. Your water filtration system also contributes to health, cleaner laundry and dishes, and softer skin.

We install the filter in your main water line, next to your meter of the interior pipes. As water enters the filter, it passes through granulated activated carbon that removes the impurities. From there, the filtered water leaves the canister filter and flows into your home for fresh, clean water from every faucet and fixture.

The level of quality the system achieves may really surprise you. Beyond being safer and more enjoyable to drink and use, the filtered water preserves the life of plumbing and water-using appliances.

Your at-home water filtration further removes the need for bottled water – which still contains contaminants – and the plastic waste it generates. Clean, filtered tap water is on average less than a penny ($0.004) a gallon, compared with bottled water at an average of $1.37 per gallon (340 times more).

Water Conditioning: Another Path to Quality

Another great option for water quality is water conditioning, which removes chemicals such as chlorine from water.

Some homeowners in Oswego, Yorkville, Montgomery, Sugar Grove and Plano also like water conditioners because they use much less water and require less maintenance. While water conditioners don’t soften water, they still reduce harmful chemicals and lessen hard water’s effects on pipes, faucets and drains.

Aquaduct also installs water softeners, which soften water by exchanging calcium and magnesium ions with sodium ions. Combined with a water filtration or conditioning system, a water softener adds to your goal of having water that is both less hard and impurity-free.

Contact Aquaduct Today

Aquaduct Plumbing serves Oswego, Yorkville, Montgomery, Sugar Grove and Plano (IL) as an informed and skilled resource for enjoying optimal water quality at home. If you have questions or concerns about your water quality or would like to learn more about our water filtration, conditioning and softening systems, just give us a call at (630) 504-9594! 

All products installed by Aquaduct Plumbing are made in the USA. They are also backed by a manufacturer’s warranty and a service warranty. Join our online community on Facebook as well!


Chemicals are polluting Illinois water going to dead zone
Millions in Illinois Are Drinking Contaminated Water
Importance of Water Quality and Testing | Public Water Systems | Drinking Water | Healthy Water | CDC

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